“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
As our Creator, God designed us to reflect Him: to live in righteousness and holiness as we experience His Life flowing through us.
He’s given us the Bible as a User’s Manual so to speak.
Think about this: I bought a car and with it came an operators manual.
It tells me how to keep the car functioning effectively.
Now, what happens if I decide that I’m tired of paying the high price of gasoline and instead I want to use water.
There’s more of it, and it’s less harmful to the environment, right? Makes perfect sense to me!
I think using water instead of gas would be ‘good.’ Don’t you?
Now, we all know what will happen if I put water in my car’s gas tank.
It’s not going to run, and the damage it will do will be very costly to fix.
When we choose to rely on our flesh seeking to get our needs for love, joy, peace and acceptance apart from God, we will experience the dysfunction that results from putting the wrong fuel in our ‘gas tank.’
God never intended for us to feel rejection, grief, anxiety, shame, depression, guilt. etc.
These emotions jam up our soul and lead to addictions, relational turmoil and self-destructive behaviors.
Unfortunately, in the Garden, Adam and Eve decided that they would be the ones to decided what was good for them instead of simply trusting in God.
Ever since that choice, Mankind has proudly declared, “I will decide what’s good for me.”
Our culture is under attack from Satan and those who follow him.
Let me share a portion from Isaiah 5:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness (v.20)… therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes stubble… so their root will become like rot and their blossom blow away as dust; for they have rejected the law of the LORD of Hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.” (v24)
It is PRIDE that is killing this country.
As a nation, we are rejecting the God who made us.
There is only one possible end to the path we are on: Destruction.
It is up to God’s people to HUMBLE themselves and pray and to seek His face hoping He will have mercy and heal our land.
Here in Greenwood, SC, we are seeing the revival momentum build.
I have personally witnessed miraculous physical healings over the last 2 months, and Holy Spirit is continuing to move in power here.
Revival that leads to repentance is the only hope for our nation and our world.
I see God is on the move! He is about to do something that is so amazing only He will get the credit for it.
Beloved, please join me in praying for a spiritual awakening that leads to repentance in our country that spreads around the world!
Robyn Henning