Did you know that there are species of birds that will delay their own migration if a member of the flock is unable to continue the journey?

In an act of self-sacrifice, some birds will come alongside the injured or ill flock member and stay with them until they are able to continue their migration journey. Sometimes, this is even to the stronger bird’s peril, as this creates a greater risk of death due to exposure, predators, and other factors.

The strong and healthy birds will care for and protect the injured or ill bird. Then once the injured or ill bird is healthy enough, it and the rest of the flock will continue the migration journey together.

Isn’t God’s creation amazing? There is a great deal we can learn from the wildlife creation we’ve been given stewardship of!

Not only is creation a witness of Creator God (who is not Himself a created being- but is Creator of all), but I believe creation is also one of His poetic letters of love to us.

Creation’s expressions of love testify of God’s amazing love for us!

Challenge for Growth: What if we took a lesson from those species of birds that come alongside the injured and ill self-sacrificially? What if we set aside our own self-interests to look up and see those around us who may need some care and love in order to regain strength to continue the journey? What if we crucified the flesh and self-desire and put on Christ? What……. just what if we set aside self to serve another in their time of need?

What an impact it would have in our relationships, neighborhoods, communities and even our nation!

I just love that:

  1. God has given us His beautiful creation as a witness and evidence of Him being the one and only creator God and
  2. that we get to participate in learning about the heart of God in the lessons learned through His written word and through His creation.

Seriously, if the birds who are just ordinary creatures can express such love, then how much more should we as God’s created image bearers.

In John 15:13 we read,

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”.

And though the birds are a great example for us of love that is self-sacrificial……….

 Jesus is the perfect example!

And it will take His Holy Spirit within us……. Leading us…….. Empowering us……. to live out such love!

We don’t love because we have to or out of some loathsome duty. It is not a burden when we love in His strength and for His glory.

We love because He first loved us! We come alongside with a heart to serve out of pure motives because it is our response of gratitude.

When we serve others, we serve Jesus.

Prayer- Lord Jesus, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Thank You for loving us, and may our hearts burst with gratitude! Amen.

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