What are the issues of life that tend to create insecurities or that leave you feeling like you are weak?
In a world of turmoil, where wrong is considered right and right is deemed wrong. In these times of worldwide economic and moral instability, it’s easy to despair or feel insecure about what’s next. And even though truth tells us that everything is falling into place, sometimes the circumstances say it’s all falling apart!
Maybe your insecurities come from a mindset of scarcity in the gifts and talents you’ve been given by Him who formed you and called you by name.
The enemy loves to twist truth so we take our focus from the Lord Jesus; He tempts us to put our trust and hope in ourselves and others.
In these times our gaze should be firmly fixed on Jesus!
This is when we need to lean in and dig deeper than ever!
You see, we have nothing of lasting value to offer. We have nothing of worth to offer, that is in our fleshly ability. The flesh will also lie to us, and the enemy will use it if we allow him to. We give ground to the enemy when we step out in our own strength- we step out from the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
There is a challenge and opportunity for personal and spiritual growth when we choose to trust and believe what the immutable word of God says about our perceived weaknesses and insecurities. I love what Paul says in:
2 Corinthians 12:9 “And He said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
We’re not sure what Paul’s infirmity was, but I believe it was God’s protection of Paul from himself and thinking He could engage in ministry through his own ability.
I also believe God wants to do amazing things through us, but we must surrender and empty ourselves of ourselves. We must seek His glory over our own need for validation and recognition. Then I believe He will do wonders in and through our lives in ways that shout ONLY GOD CAN, COULD and HAS done this thing!
True freedom and security come when we stop trusting in our gifts and talents and start trusting and relying on the gift and talent giver- Jesus our Christ!
What a relief to know that He is with us, He is the source of our strength! We don’t have to do it on our own- WE CAN’T!
The Holy Spirit says it perfectly as we read in:
Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
Embrace your weaknesses and insecurities in the flesh, trusting God’s got this and you!
Crystal Hippo