Ministry News
Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope you all enjoyed your Summer and were able to get away for a time of rest and relaxation. The highlight for me was attending my nephew’s wedding in Colorado, two days with Marjie and Bill Brecht and three days exploring Rocky Mountain National Park.
Thank you for your prayers for me as I continue to administer my mom’s estate. I found out that the tax fillings are not due until mid-October. This leaves more time to accrue more deductible expenses. A good portion of the clean out/donation process is done, but there’s more to do. There are still many unanswered questions about how we will sell the property.
Over the Summer, I was blessed to have several new clients come for counseling. I am excited to see how the Lord will work in their lives. Also, I was invited to speak at a Ladies’ Conference in April 2020, so I am looking for to that and I hope more opportunities to speak are brought to me by the Lord. I love teaching the Exchanged Life Truths to groups of ladies who have never heard them before.
I had a great consultation session with Mark Maulding of Grace Life International. He’s generating a plan to help us grow financially into to add staff and impact more lives. Please continue to pray that my weekly client hours increases to 20 –25 hours per week. Thank you!
Testimony Time
Martha was at her wits end in her marriage. She admitted that she didn’t love her husband and had no desire to be with him in any sense of the word. Her parents had not been the best example to her which had left her emotionally scarred and needy.
After hearing her story, we started to target some of the lies she had believed about herself, others and God. She began to see some of the damage she had done in her family by being a control freak. Her one daughter would not even speak to her which broke her heart.
She was eager to learn these truths about her identity in Christ, and as she processed concepts from The Way of the Cross and He Said, She Said transformation began to happen. It was a real blessing to me to watch God work in her life and marriage.
God was at work in her husband’s heart too, making some much needed changes. They are working together as a team now and seeing fruit grow in their marriage and now even in their relationships with their grown kids.
Martha realizes that she does not need to control everything and everyone to feel safe. She’s already safe in her Papa’s arms and nothing can change that.
While there still are some areas we need to work on, the Spirit is speaking truth to her and blowing up the lies of Satan, and she’s loving it. She can testify that, “Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!”
Pastor Ken’s Corner
From Ken: The Lord has been using me to preach every Sunday night at my home Church. I have been going through the book of Colossians and emphasizing our identity in Christ and its application to our walk with the Lord.
I have also been preaching on an average of once a month in a church in York that does not have a pastor and I have been able to share the exchange life truths with the congregation.
I’m also teaching a men’s group weekly at my local church which is interactive. We discuss the Word of God and I’ve been able to share the truth of the exchanged life with them as well. I am also continuing to mentor a man in the exchange life on an average of once a month.
Financial Update
Thank you so much to all of you who made donations this quarter. In July and August I had to cut my salary back to its previous rate. Remember that your regular giving allows me to counsel clients who are unable to pay full price for help. Donations of any amount are such an encouragement to me as I juggle all the needs of the ministry while settling my mom’s estate and preparing the farm for sale.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to ELM. You can do so directly on our website by clicking on the Donation tab or by sending in a check to our address. Simply, make your check payable to ELM.
Please see our Prayer page to get our latest ministry Prayer Requests!
Thank you!
Robyn Henning