Ministry News

Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope that you have had a great Summer with family and friends!

You may notice our reversion to using our ministry name, Exchanged Life Ministries. This is because the Lord has led Crystal and I to separate the two ministries as she moves forward to found Redeeming Hearts Ministries as its own ministry. Please pray her through the process of filing with the state and IRS non-profit applications.

My partnership with Cross Care Ministries continues to flourish in spite of an onslaught of push back from the enemy. Praise the Lord, we are victorious in Christ Jesus! I am currently running a group just for Pastors and they are loving the Journey Tools teachings. Also, a local church has been holding Revival meetings each week, and we have been promoted by the leadership. This has generated a long list of interested folks and many have gone through our taste and see program, Jumpstart Your Journey.

I continue to see individual clients in person and online. One of the few good things about COVID is the development of Telehealth Online platforms. As a result, I can securely hold video sessions with my PA clients. I even have one international client! Amazing! So, if you know someone who needs to break free from their flesh patterns and heal past hurts, have them reach out to me to see if our ministry is a good fit for them. Thank you!

Testimony Time

Last week, I was blessed to hear from some of my Journey Tools groupies that they were so grateful to the Lord for directing them to go through the Journey Tools program.

They were amazed at how clearly they were hearing Holy Spirit speak in their spirit His answers to simple questions:

  • “Lord, what am I feeling”
  • “Lord, why am I feeling this”
  • “Lord, what else do I need to know?”

Could connecting with the Wonderful Counselor be that simple? Yes, it can and is. These questions are just the starting point for growing in hearing Him and inviting Him to speak His healing into our lives.

They shared that as they moved onto the second toolset, the FED map, they were able to interact with Holy Spirit in a way that He revealed lies that they were believing about themselves, God and others that needed to be renounced and exchanged for His truth that He then spoke into them.

As they progressed through the program, each of them had Complex Grief issues that needed healing. They learned to allow Holy Spirit to sort out the different issues to deal with them one at a time. The relief He brought them was pro-found.

They praise the Lord that they are now equipped to interact with the Lord using these tools on a daily basis as He leads them. They have new perspectives on their relationship with the Lord and how He sees them. Also, they are able to more effectively navigate relationships with family and friends because they are looking first to the Lord instead of get-ting in a tug-of-war with others.

Testimonies like these make my heart sing and thank the Lord for His work through Journey Tools! For a taste of Journey Tools go to:

Ken Keeler’s Update

SPECIAL PRAYER ALERT: On Sept 23rd Ken is undergoing Whipple Surgery to remove a double polyp. The stay in the hospital is about a week and recovery is about 6 weeks. He would appreciate your prayers.

Ken continues to preach Sunday mornings at Zion Bible Church and most Sunday evenings at his home church, C.O.D. His weekly Men’s Groups had their Summer break and will resume once he heals up from his surgery.

Ken appreciates the positive feedback you are giving him on his blog entries. He really enjoys teaching the Exchanged Life truths!

ELM Finances

Thank you so much to all of you who made donations this quarter. Your generosity has been an encouragement to me. Remember that your donations make it possible for me to offer reduced rates to those in need.

My home church in PA informed me that I will not be on their ministry support list in 2025. I greatly appreciate their support over the last 14 years of ministry.

Please pray that the Lord shows me the best way to connect with local churches here in Greenwood for support and client referrals.
Your tax deductible donation can be made to ELM and you can do so by check or by going to the Donation page of our website at

Praise & Prayer


1. For lives that are being healed through Journey Tools.
2. For Pastor Ken’s opportunities to teach the EL truths.
3. For my clients’ growth in Christ and their emotional/spiritual healing.
4. For great connections being made at the local church Revival meetings.

5. For all the new Journey Tools groups that just wrapped up and the new ones under way.
6. For how comfortable I feel living down here and knowing I am where God wants me,
7. For the new group facilitators in training and their excitement to lead others in their Journey.


1. For Ken’s surgery to go well and for his healing to go smoothly and quickly.
2. For growing relation-ships with local churches and their pastors.
3. For new clients and speaking engagements.
4. For wisdom in each counseling session and Journey Tools group. 

5. For at least two new Journey Tools groups to start each month
6. For a safe and fruitful trip to a Ladies Conference in TN in early November.
7. For Redeeming Hearts Ministry to get off to a great start financially and to see them have a powerful impact as a prison ministry.

“And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5