“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time!”

There’s a whole lot of truth in that statement.

In fact, there are a multitude of books written on goal setting, Most of which focus on career and financial goals.

But, I think it’s even more important to set spiritual goals.

I challenge you to take the time in prayer to ask the Lord to show you what He wants to accomplish through you this year to grow you into His Image.

What parts of the Bible does He want you to digest and apply?

What does He want you to do to grow your daily dialogue with Him in prayer so that your relationship with Him grows in intimacy?

Where does He want you to minister as His hands and feet in service to others?

How does He want you to invest your financial resources to advance His Kingdom?

These are all great questions to ask Him as we head into the New Year.

It’s so easy to just set temporal goals like weight loss, career advancement etc.

Our life here is just a vapor compared to eternity.

That said, setting spiritual goals that have eternal ramifications is far more important that temporal goals!

Beloved, make the time to talk to the Lord this week about His spiritual goals for you in 2015.

Write them down and ask a godly friend to keep you accountable.

Remember: Jesus is the One who began His good work in you; He will be faithful to complete it!

Have a blessed 2015!

