Last week our pastor preached a fantastic sermon on Psalm 23.

Those of you who know me know that I am a horse person not a sheep person.

I don’t know much about sheep except that they are really stupid.

And of course that God compares us to sheep, a lot.

The one thing that hit me upside the head from the sermon was that the oil that the shepherd used on their head kept the flies from buzzing around them and burrowing into their wool and skin.

The Lord brought to mind the name, Beelzebub.

That translates to Lord of the Flies.

It was a holy cow moment.

Oil represents the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, when we are filled with the Spirit and walk after the Spirit, the flies or demons stay away.

When we are walking in our fleshly strength, the demons can attack and even try to burrow their way into our lives just like a bot fly tries to burrow under the sheep’s skin to lay its eggs.

The Apostle Paul exhorts us in Ephesians 5:18 to be being filled with the Spirit.

We are to be Holy Spirit conduit.

As long as we are setting our minds on the Spirit, we are functioning from abundance….life and peace.

Once we switch to the flesh, or our own way of getting our needs met, we sense scarcity and death or the lack of life, and the enemy and his minions gain a foothold in our thinking and choices.

Beloved, I don’t know about you but I personally hate flies.

With horses, we always had to spray them with fly spray during fly season or the green heads would attack them so much it could cause a horse to panic and run through a fence.

I want the anointing oil of the Spirit one me to keep the flies of the enemy away.

This is just another motivation for us to enter into His rest by faith and obedience.

Are you being buzzed by the flies of the enemy?

Ask the Lord to anoint your head with the oil of the Holy Spirit.

Set your mind on Christ’s life in you flowing through you.

Acknowledge by faith that He is the only One who can and does meet your needs for love, acceptance, worth etc.

If you find yourself under constant attack, contact me. and we can talk online or in person, and we can help uproot the enemy and get you freed up and walking in the power of the Spirit for His glory.


Robyn Henning