There have been a lot of distractions around us lately…. the eclipse, the economy, earthquakes.

Are they signs of the times? Absolutely.

We need to be careful to keep them all in perspective.

We do live in crazy times, and I think it’s important to tune out the news channels and tune into the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.

God is still on the throne, and nothing catches Him by surprise.

It amazes me that the enemy has not quit.

He knows he is already defeated, but like an exhausted boxer, he is throwing haymakers without looking.

He can still do a lot of damage; however, no matter what he tries, he has still lost.

Back in the Spring of 2020 when I asked the Lord why He was sending me to the land down under, He told me that there was a tsunami of revival coming and He was repositioning me there.

As I listen to back channels of news about what really is happening in the world, I get excited for the harvest that is coming.

Satan had hoped to usher in the 70th week of Daniel on his timetable, but he couldn’t change God’s calendar.

It will likely get darker before God intervenes and gets the world’s attention.

The earthquake in NJ and the eclipse were wake up calls.

A world conflict and economic collapse are on the near horizon.

How do we get through this mess?

By fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

So, we need to be in the Word and supporting each other with positive words and declarations.

Do not be afraid is a phrase repeated 365 times in the Word.

Let’s tune out the propaganda of MSM and tune into the Spirit through studying His Word, prayer and worship.

Do not forsake gathering with other believers; it is critical to support one another in prayer and worship.

Be encouraged; revival is here and we are getting to be part of the show.

Don’t let world events distract you.

Stay focused on Jesus and what He’s called you to do each day… one day at a time!

Robyn Henning