Storm Winds

By October 14, 2024Anxiety

On September 26th, I went to bed thinking, “it’s going to get a little windy tonight.”

No one expected the eye of Helene to shift to the east like it did and pass between Greenwood and the next town over, Abbeville.

I remember hearing the effects of the wind but it wasn’t until the power went off at 6:32am and the sound of zapping powerlines resounded that I realized we were hit harder than was predicted.

Thankfully, I had topped off my gas tank and had most of what I needed to be without power for a few days.

The sound of sirens filled the air every hour the first day.

I was blessed to get power back on Monday night.

Many others were out of power for 10 to 14 days.

It feels like Greenwood is back to normal.

No more gas lines or the sound of humming generators.

My heart grieves for the folks in Western NC and Eastern TN.  The devastation is far greater there.

I think Helene was a wake-up call to the church.

It rose up and prayed down Hurricane Milton from a Cat 5 to a Cat 3.

While it still did damage, it did not wipe out Florida like it could have.

We have another storm to pray down scheduled for November 5th.

Please join me in daily praying for our nation to be preserved through this storm.

Baal was known as the storm god.

Let’s pray that all his bluster is blown out of this country once and for all.

Pray that his deeds of darkness are exposed by God’s light and those who work with him are brought to justice.

Pray that revival continues to build momentum in these last days, and that the Lord would restore our nation to its original foundation of liberty and justice for all.

Praise God that we serve the One who speaks peace to storms!

Robyn Henning

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