Do you think there is more violence in this world than ever before? On YouTube, we can see ISIS behead their victims and black men get killed by cops. There…
Are you a Prepper? You know, the folks who have stockpiled MRE’s and such, in case the power grid goes down? Now, I’m not here to mock these folks. In…
So, what resolutions did you make for 2016? Lose weight, break a bad habit, cross stuff off your bucket list? The key to making lasting changes is repentance. Say what?…
Do you like action adventure movies? You know, the ones with storylines involving the hero doing whatever it takes to rescue those facing death. They can have you on the…
Have you ever met someone who died but was brought back to life? I would have loved to sit down with Lazarus to hear about all that he experienced over…
Have you ever heard anyone say, “You just have to be true to yourself?” What on earth does that mean? Frankly, most of the time it’s an excuse to indulge…
Is giving thanks easy for you, or are you more inclined to grumble and complain? Did you know that both giving thanks and complaining are contagious? Paul tells us that…
Have you ever had a dream die? You know, the realization that something you were hoping for was never going to happen? How has it made you feel? Depressed, despairing,…
I hope you had a blessed Resurrection Sunday! He is RISEN! Guess what… So are you! If you’ve trusted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you were resurrected on that…
So, whose fault was it? Was it Eve’s, for being so stupid to fall for Satan’s lies? Where was Adam anyway? Why didn’t he intervene and stop Eve? Ah, the…