Last night, I watched the Philadelphia Eagles win their first Super Bowl!
This was the greatest Eagles game I have ever watched!
I was able to watch it with my wife, Linda, my son, Nate, and his family, along with friends from his church.
I want to officially praise the Lord, because I have prayed for years that He would grace me out and give me one Super Bowl victory in my lifetime, and He graciously answered my prayer last night.
This was my greatest experience, by far, as an Eagles fan in 55 years!
Winning the Super Bowl is the greatest victory a football team can win.
Just as I thanked the Lord for the Eagles Super Bowl victory, so also we, as believers, should thank the Lord for our “Super Bowl” victory in Christ.
This is the greatest victory of all!
Our “Super Bowl” victory is described in 2 Corinthians 2:14:
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ.”
The emphasis here is on the fact that the battle is over, and the victory has been won by Christ, and those who march in His victory parade, share His victory.
Christ won the victory over all our enemies at the cross, through His death, resurrection and ascension.
The Christian life depends on us claiming by faith the victory won by Christ over our enemies.
We all watched the Super Bowl with Eagles gear on to identify with our team.
This means that when Nick Foles threw a touchdown, I threw the touchdown with him!
When Blount ran for that touchdown, I ran with him!
Whatever my Eagles did on the field, I did it too.
This is exactly how it works when we put our faith in Jesus Christ.
When we identify with Jesus, by putting our faith in Him, the perfect life He lived becomes our perfect life, the life that we could never live on our own.
When He was crucified on the cross in payment for the sins of the world and to kill our Old Man, we were crucified there with Him too, and when He paid for the sins of the world, our sins were paid for as well.
When He rose from the dead, it meant, not only that we will rise from the dead one day, but also that we were raised spiritually as a New Man.
His victory is our victory.
Everything He did, we did also through Him.
It works the same way it does for the sports fan that identifies with his team.
We have been identified with Jesus Christ, by faith.
The difference is ours is an eternal identification with far more lasting benefits than being a fan of a team.
We follow in His victory parade.
We cannot live by our strength.
The power and strength in our Christian life is Jesus Christ.
We claim His victory by faith. I will treasure this Super Bowl victory the rest of my life, but far more with I treasure the “Super Bowl” victory I have in Christ! How about you?
Pastor Ken Keeler, Director of Church Ministries
Dear Ken, Linda, Robyn, and all,
We celebrate Christ as Life with you, and the Eagles’ win. We have been receiving your EL letters for many months, and appreciate you all.
My big bro in law and love, Terry Hill, w the Lord, and Dianne, lived and ministered in Phillie, mostly directing FCA, for a long time before moving to Israel. Did any of you guys know them? Dianne is doing very well, currently in Mississippi with Little Terry’s Army family.
Mrs Sherry and I are planning to trek to Dallas for Net220. Hope to meet you there!
Centurion Dan Camp