Have you ever heard or used the term scapegoat?

It is used in the OT in reference to the goat that carried the peoples’ sins into the wilderness.

Two goats were brought before the high priest.

Lots were cast for which one would die and which one would be released.

As I was reading the account of Jesus’ crucifixion, this concept came to my mind as I read about Barabbas.

His name translates to Son of Papa.

He was an insurrectionist and was being held for trial for murdering a man while trying to overthrow the Roman leadership.

Interesting in so many ways.

He was trying to deliver Israel.

Barabbas was the flesh version of a deliverer who could not deliver life.

His efforts only brought death.

He was sentenced to death for his actions.

When given the choice between setting him free or Jesus, the crowd shouted for Barabbas.

The son of papa was delivered from death to life by the Son of God the Father.

I am amazed at the details of all that went into our redemption.

So many prophecies fulfilled at the cross.

I hope you never cease to be amazed at all the Papa has done for us to redeem us.

So often, Satan seeks to get us to believe that our Heavenly Father is cruel and cranky and that He is always disappointed in us and ready to zap us.

The reality is that the cross is the only evidence that we should look to for proof of His love.

When we look to our circumstances the enemy will be right there to lie to us and distort His character and love.

When we look for evidence in addition to the cross, we are in essence saying, “Jesus’ death and resurrection are not enough to prove His love.”

Beloved, we have more than enough evidence of God’s love in the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of the One and only Son of God.

Choose by faith to receive and rest in His love every day no matter your circumstances.

The work of the cross is finished; it never changes; neither does our Father’s love for us!


Robyn Henning