Can you quote Psalm 23?
“The LORD is my Shepherd….”
For some folks, it’s the only Psalm they’ve heard because it’s so often read at funerals.
In John 10, Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd.
Certainly, King David and the average person in Jesus’ day could relate to this illustration, but here in America, when’s the last time you met a shepherd?
Here’s my limited knowledge of what a shepherd does:
- they lead sheep to where they can eat and drink;
- they watch over sheep to protect them from predators;
- they go after sheep that wander off and bring them back to the flock;
- they lead their sheep back to the sheepfold at night where they can sleep in safety.
Shepherds basically ensure that the sheep have all that they need to experience life.
In Jesus’ illustration, we are the ones referred to as sheep.
Here’s what I know about sheep:
- they’re not that smart;
- they’re useful for their wool and can be tasty too… if you leave off the mint jelly;
- they will literally eat themselves to death;
- they will only drink from still water
- they have no way to defend themselves from predators
So, without a good shepherd, sheep are basically guaranteed to become dinner for predators.
As we apply the illustration to people, it means that:
- we don’t have much sense;
- we don’t know how to get our basic needs met;
- we have no means to protect ourselves from our number one predator: Satan.
BUT, we do have Jesus!
He loves us!
He meets all of our needs!
He never leaves us!
If we wander off, He goes and brings us back to Himself!
He will never eat us for dinner, instead He gives us His eternal Life, and there is no predator out there who can snatch us our of His hands!
He seeks an intimate relationship with us, so that we can recognize His voice and follow Him.
Beloved, our Shepherd loves us and watches over us; so, we need stay close to Him and enjoy the Life we have IN HIM!