Have you ever craved inner healing but felt so stuck that you are almost ready to give up?

The other morning the Spirit woke me up with a word, “the quickest path to healing is the path of least resistance.”

So, I start to chew on that especially in light of the new Journey Tools content that the Lord gave my colleague.

The Lord started to connect the dots for me.

Many years ago, He told me, “Robyn, behind all fear is unbelief.”

Fear is the main form of resistance that holds us back from healing.

In Journey Tools, we present 10 manifestations of fear that the enemy can trap us in and keep us stuck in our pain.

But here’s the reality, no matter which form of fear that keeps us from surrendering to the Lord the resistance is based in unbelief.

And, if I am not believing God, I am believing a lie that feels true.

“It’s not safe to…. trust God and take Him at His Word.”

We find ourselves trapped in the same simple deception in which Satan entrapped Eve.

Instead, of simply taking God at His Word, we shift to relying on our own understanding and then the trap springs and we are caught.

As soon as we rely on our own understanding, we have promoted ourselves to godhood.

Instead of being enveloped in His immeasurable love for us, we doubt that His motives are good, that He is trustworthy, that He will be there for us.

Fear grips us and we see God as unsafe and we recoil and resist Him.

I’ve been caught in this mindset even recently.

Satan loves this game.

He’s really good at it.

So, how do we break free.

First, we have to see that we’re caught in the trap.

Second, we ask the Spirit to show us the fear-based lie we are believing and who taught it to us.

Third, we renounce believing it and we ask the Spirit to speak His truth into us.

Fourth, we give Him the fear and choose to realign with and embrace His Truth and love.

Lastly, we renounce partnering with fear and unbelief and instead we choose to partner with His love and faithfulness.

Ask the Lord to show you where you are resisting Him.

Reach out for help.

We have a free taste of Journey Tools on our website.

Ask Him if He wants you try it out.
