Have you ever seen the Milky Way?
Where I live, there’s so much light pollution that I’ve only seen the Milky Way while traveling.
Each time, my jaw dropped in amazement.
The Psalmist tells us:
“the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
Years ago, I heard a speaker demonstrate how the constellations tell the Gospel story.
More recently, I’ve learned how a unique constellation alignment is developing that appears to demonstrate the sign described by John in Revelation 12 and an alignment that will occur 7 years later that seems to describe the sign in Revelation 15.
On November 20, 2016, Jupiter (known as the King star) entered the womb of Virgo (Virgin), and it will stay there in retrograde for about 9 months.
On September 9, 2017, Jupiter will leave the womb, and then on the 20th it passes through the feet of Virgo on its way to Libra (the Justice constellation).
Meanwhile, Planet X (also known as Nibiru) will pass through Virgo’s feet bringing with it a lot of meteors.
NASA and other astronomers have been on alert for the potential impact Planet X and its meteors may have on Earth.
Pastor Robert Breaker and many others have posted YouTube videos explaining the symbolism of these constellations and their potential indicators of End Times events.
The last time Jupiter entered into Virgo like this was when Jesus was born!
Might this be a heavenly declaration of the Body of Christ being caught up into heaven?
I don’t know, but I sure hope so!
Seven years from this (2,520 days), Jupiter enters the Pleiades constellation.
This one is known as ‘the seven sisters or a cluster of grapes,’ and it is pictured as a cup with a handle.
As Jupiter closes in on Pleiades, the constellation starts to rotate downward as if pouring out its contents.
In Revelation 15, the sign is of the wrath of God being poured out on mankind.
Could this be the stars declaring the wrath of God that is poured out on mankind at the end of the Tribulation?
If you love God’s Word and astronomy, consider doing more research into what the heavens are declaring to us.
The Magi did, and they saw this same King Sign and followed it all the way to Jesus.
I hope this intrigues you as it does me.
I’ve included one of Robert Breaker’s short talks on these signs.
There are many other solid Bible teachers talking about these signs on YouTube, so be Bereans and investigate further!
Robyn Henning
Thank you … I’ve been hearing about this … time to study the stars more!