Have you ever had a dream die?

You know, the realization that something you were hoping for was never going to happen?

How has it made you feel?

Depressed, despairing, hopeless?

Dreams that become impossible actually produce grief.

And, grief, if not given over to Jesus, can sink us into depression.

So, how should we process a dream that has died?

First, we have to adjust our thinking from “it has to be this way” to “I would like to see this happen, but I know going into it that there are things that are beyond my control that can prevent this.”

This thinking shift deintensifies our perceived need.

It shifts it from the goal to the desire mode.

Next, we have to hand over our grief to Jesus.

Isaiah 53:4 tells us that Jesus is the One who can carry our sorrow and grief.

We can’t!

Our souls were never designed to feel grief much less carry it.

We were designed for love, joy, peace and all the other positive emotions.

Sin is what introduced grief into our lives.

It was never God’s intention for us to feel grief.

Beloved, if you are struggling with depression, ask Jesus to show you if you’re clinging to a dream that has died.

Whatever He shows you, release it to Him and then give your grief to Him as well.

Allow Him to pour His healing balm on your wounded heart and lead you on His healing path.

Build the habit of practicing His Presence in everything you do, and soon His joy will grow in its fullness in your life.

