When is the last time that you experienced the internal battle between your flesh and the Spirit?

I mean hard core, it’s on.

I know that battle has been intense for me this week.

I am not going into detail except to say that the Lord has called me to step out in obedience to do that which my flesh wants no part of….to say the least.

Can you relate?

In Journey Tools, we call the me walking after the flesh, the Imposter.

In contrast, the Real Me is who I am in Christ walking after the Spirit in His strength and for His glory.

In the sermon this past Sunday, Pastor Jon gave two bullet point lists that were very convicting to me.  Here they are:

The Path of Least Resistance                     The Path of Full Obedience

Path of Ease                                                   Path of Difficulty

Path of Comfort                                             Path of Sacrifice

Path of Me First                                             Path of Others First

Path of Avoiding Fear                                    Path of Facing Fear in Faith

My Imposter really thinks that the Path of Least Resistance is what I should take because it is what will make me happy and feel safe and secure.

The Real Me listens to the Spirit who has reminded me of several key truths:

  • What I sacrifice to Him will be given back to  me many times over and
  • I will be miserable if I don’t obey and choose to follow Him.

The Real Me finds life only in doing His will in His strength.

The Imposter Me is pretty stupid all things considered.

I know that God is always directing me along His path of obedience so He can bless me by growing me more and more into the likeness of Jesus.

The Real Me wants that more than anything.

The enemy loves to chirp at my Imposter and trigger fear and grief in an effort to get me to balk at God’s directives… big or small.

Beloved, join me in choosing the Path of Full Obedience as we live out the life of Jesus in us for His glory.

Robyn Henning