“Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13

In his second letter to the church at Corinth, Paul gives us a list of difficult circumstances that he experiences on his missionary journeys.  There are also times when his life circumstances are fairly mundane like his 18 months of living and working in Corinth.  In either case, Paul learns through these experiences that his circumstances are not what make him content.  Rather, he knows that his contentment comes from only one source, Jesus.

Contentment is the result of having our needs satisfied.  It is an inner state of well-being only produced by the presence of God Himself.  One of the most prevalent lies of our world is that stuff satisfies.  No, it doesn’t.  Stuff always leaves us wanting more, new stuff.  How long does it take for us to get bored with our stuff?  Usually, not too long; and the marketing gurus know this.  They are constantly looking to launch the next cool gadget and are trying to convince us that we absolutely need to have it.  The world would also have us believe that relationships can satisfy our needs.  Again, no they can’t.  They only relationship that can meet our souls’ deepest needs is our relationship with God.  He alone understands everything about us; He alone can live in our skin in our spirit.  He alone is the very Source of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control that we all long for so deeply.  Only an intimate relationship with God can satisfy our souls.

In Romans 8, Paul teaches us about the unchanging nature of God’s love for His children.  Satan would have us view God’s love for us through the grid of our circumstances, and so many of us fall into this trap.  When our circumstances are pleasant and pain free, we have no trouble believing that God loves us.  However, when God allows pain and difficulty to enter our lives, Satan is right there accusing God to us and attacking His love.  In our pain, it is easy to succumb to Satan’s strategies and believe that God no longer loves us.  Paul challenges Satan’s strategies by giving us a lengthy list of negative circumstances, including death, and by declaring that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus.  The reality for every Christian is that Jesus lives in us and we live in Him.  No power of darkness can take us out of Jesus or take Him out of us.

Knowing the reality of Jesus’ Presence empowers us with His strength to endure all manner of circumstances, both good and bad.  There is no circumstance in which we cannot confidently pray, “Thank You, Jesus for doing this through me.”  This phrase has become a battle cry for me over the last 20 years.  It shifts my mind from my weakness to His strength; it reminds me of His Presence and Power.  There is nothing that can separate me from Him.  There is never a moment in time when He leaves me.  His Life flows in me and through me.  He is my Source of Joy and nothing can touch Him or change Him.  He makes His joy complete and full in me, and in Him and with Him, I am truly content.

Beloved, by faith, rest and receive His loving Presence in your soul.  If you have fallen for Satan’s accusations against His love for you, renounce those lies and proclaim God’s truth.  Meditate on the reality of His Presence in you, and you will come to be content in your souls like never before!