In Romans 12:2 the apostle Paul exhorts us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Why do our minds need renewal?

Because we have believed many lies from the enemy that FEEL true.

In this Nugget video, I share a personal testimony of how Satan used a traumatic event to sell me on several lies that impacted my relationship with God and my loved ones as well.

Freedom from these lies came as I recognized Satan’s lies, renounced them and replaced them with God’s truth.

Beloved, I hope you will make the time to be still before the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to search your Hidden Chambers and to show you the lies you have believed about God, yourself, and others.

When He reveals a lie:  CONFESS believing it, RENOUNCE it,  DECLARE God’s truth, ask Jesus to RECLAIM the ground you have given to Satan through believing the lie.

I hope this encourages you and that you will share it with others.




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