There is a classic game that many of us have played called Trivial Pursuit.

It tests the trivia knowledge of the players and shows us how much we don’t know.

But the question I want us to ask the Lord is, “What am I pursuing?”

When Jesus encountered the rich young ruler, he met a man who was seeking eternal life and had diligently kept the commandments since his youth.

Jesus felt compassion for him and called him to leave everything to follow him.

The man walked away dejected because he had a lot of possessions.

The price tag in the worldly sense was grievous to him.

Jesus wanted him to see that knowing Him was the greatest treasure of all and nothing could compare to Him.

The apostle Paul exhorted the Colossians to pursue the wealth that comes from knowing and understanding God’s mystery that is Jesus in them.

In Jesus, are all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

The enemy will offer his version in the secret arts of the occult, but his are a cheap knock off compared to all that we have in Jesus.

Beloved, what are you pursuing?

Why are you pursuing it?

I challenge you to interact with the Lord over these questions.

Ask Him to show you anything that is trivial.

All real treasure is found in Him.

Where our treasure is, there will our heart be also.

So, given the potential imminence of Jesus’ return for His bride, let’s examine our hearts and see if we need an adjustment.

The enemy loves to distract us from Jesus.

I know there are definite tweaks I can make to stay better attuned to pursuing Him.

The rich ruler didn’t realize how poor he really was.

He had the Messiah standing before him.

Nothing he had in terms of power, position or possessions could compare with the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that Jesus offered him.

May the Lord open our eyes to see the glorious riches that are ours in Christ Jesus.

Robyn Henning