It’s Memorial Day 2024, and I hope you are able to gather with family and friends and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us to have freedom here in America.

The verse we quote most often on days like today is John 15:13,

“Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” 

In context, Jesus is talking about abiding in Him and loving one another as He has loved us.

It is a powerful passage.

How did Jesus love us?

He demonstrated agape love in its highest manifestation: laying down one’s life for another.

He calls us to do that for each other every day.

The men and women who died on the battlefield to preserve our liberty or gave their life in the line of duty as police and firemen are worthy of our respect and tribute.

We honor them.

We can also honor our Savior by choosing to manifest His agape love for each other.

What does this look like?

It is our choice to set aside our self-interests to serve the best interests of another, no matter how much it cost us and no matter how they treat us in return.

This is contrary to our selfish flesh and our culture.

Beloved, when we allow the Spirit to manifest the life of Jesus through us, He will give us grace to love others, even our enemies, with His agape love.

How will people know we are followers of Jesus?

By our dress, our music, our rules? No, by agape love.

The enemy has not counter measure for agape.

We have to be willing to set aside self and put on Jesus and allow His life to flow through us.

“Lord Jesus, I need You to love this person through me.  How do You want to respond to them through me?”

So, let’s take Jesus’ words to heart.

Let’s love one another as He has loved us.

Let’s express our appreciation for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live in freedom.

Most of all, let’s always be thankful for what Jesus has done for us by laying down His life so that we can live.

Robyn Henning