Did you know that the microbes on just one of your hands outnumber all of the people on the earth?
Or, that millions of microbes can fit into the eye of a needle?
These one-celled, living organisms are too small for us to see without a microscope, yet they live in the air, soil, water, and even in our bodies.
We constantly interact with them, even though their world is completely beyond our senses.
There is something else beyond our senses that we see in Colossians 3:3:
“For you have died and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”
Our Old Man died with Christ, so sin working through the flesh, the world, and Satan no longer has any claim on us.
Our death with Christ broke the power of sin, the world, and Satan.
Our relationship to them has been severed forever.
Now, we have a new relationship with Christ.
So, as a New Man in Christ, we see in this verse that this is now true:
“and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”
This phrase means: permanently hidden and laid up in store.
It implies concealment, safety, invisibility and security.
We see several things about our new life:
Our real life now is bound up like a bundle in the resurrected and living Christ.
God doesn’t see us apart from Jesus, and He doesn’t see Jesus apart from us.
Isn’t that is an amazing thought!
We are totally accepted because we are wrapped up in Him.
Our new life is also concealed from the world.
Our new spiritual life is no longer in the sphere of the earthly and physical, but is with the life of the risen Christ, Who is unseen with God.
The world cannot understand us and our new life because they do not know Christ.
It says in 1 John. 3:1:
“See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know Him.”
Our new life is also eternally secure.
Since it is hidden with Christ in God, it is indestructible.
We are locked together with Christ and also in God.
We have a double security here, like in John 10:28 where we are said to be in Christ’s hand and also in the Father’s hand.
Our new life is also safe from all enemies.
No one can crack this safe.
Satan can’t break the lock.
Our relationship with God is unbreakable, since our life is hidden with Christ in God.
A believer can be assured that anything that comes into our life must first go through God and then through Christ before it reaches us, and then it finds us filled with Christ.
One day a Pennsylvania man temporarily became the world’s richest person.
He received his PayPal statement and saw a balance of $92,233,270,368,547,800.
Then, he checked his account online and found a balance of $0.
Both were errors, of course, eventually corrected.
But, for just a moment, he had been worth $92 quadrillion dollars!
God’s gifts through Christ are more real and lasting.
We have eternal worth through Christ’s Life in us.
Praise the Lord, our life is wrapped up in Him!
Pastor Ken Keeler, Director of Church Ministries