Battle Strategy: Humble Obedience

By January 30, 2023Spiritual Warfare

As we’ve been looking at the spiritual battlefield, I want to focus on the enemy’s strategies to trap us in pride and rebellion.

The enemy will appeal to our flesh’s desire to do what we want to do, when we want to do it.

And, he will also accuse God of holding out on us or deceive us into compromising God’s moral standard to please our flesh.

If he can get us angry at God or shake our trust in God, he is one step closer to trapping us in pride and rebellion.

Pride says, ‘I will be god.’ Rebellion says, ‘I know what God wants me to do, but I want to do this instead.’

So, how do we combat these strategies?

First and foremost, we need to keep our communication lines open with the Spirit.

Asking the right questions when we feel out of sorts is vital.

  • “Lord, where have I given ground to the enemy?”
  • “Lord, what lies am I believing about You, others or myself?”
  • “Lord, how am I functioning in pride and/or rebellion?”

We know from Scripture that God opposes the proud.

He keeps them at a distance.

But the humble, He draws them into deep intimacy with Him.

If we see that we have given ground to the enemy, we need to use the confess, renounce, reclaim prayer format first.

Then, we need to make the proper exchanges… humility for the pride… surrender and obedience for rebellion.

Wrapping up the prayer with declaring our partnership with pride and rebellion broken and declaring a partnership with Jesus in its place.

These kinds of strongholds can be tough to break because they can have a variety of root systems including generational roots.

So, keep at it and ask the Lord to do a soul check frequently to catch any manifestations quickly.

God’s goal for us is to be like Jesus.

This means walking in humble, surrendered obedience.

We cannot do that in our flesh.

We have to be Spirit filled and Spirit led for it to happen.

So, set your mind on the Spirit; tune your mind into God’s channel or frequency.

When we do this, the enemy’s voice is tuned out and we will walk in the victory that is already ours in Christ Jesus.

Robyn Henning