Can I Get a WithNess?!

Has there ever been a time in your walk with the Lord that you’ve cried out, “God, where are you?”

You couldn’t feel His Presence, and the enemy has been right there to suggest that you’ve messed up so bad that He’s left you.

You know the Bible teaches that He will never leave you nor forsake you, but maybe, just maybe, you’re the exception.

The other morning the enemy was having fun stealing my sleep.

But the Lord took that time to speak into my spirit a truth that I’ve been chewing on since.

He said, “Robyn, the real you does not exist apart from me.  The real you is who you are in Me before the foundation of the world.”

I got out of bed at 3am to write that one down, and I pondered this truth for days afterwards.

I have often liken the with-ness of Jesus to the process of steeping tea.

The tea in the infuser represents Jesus and I am the tea cup full of water.

As the tea soaks in the water, it’s essence infuses into the water.

One cannot differentiate between the water and the tea.

They tea is infused into the water, and the water takes on the essence of the tea.

They are one.

When Jesus enters us via the Holy Spirit at salvation, He is infused into the real us.

We are co-mingled with Jesus.

This is the real us chosen to be in Him before the foundations of the world.

In other words, it’s who we are with Him outside the constraints of the time dimension.

The real us is separated from the power of sin, is complete in Christ lacking nothing, is seated in Christ at the right hand of the Father in the position of victory… and so much more.

Beloved, we lack nothing.

We have His abundant life infused into us.

How do we realize this?

It’s all about mindset and having the mind/attitude of Christ.

Tuning into His mind in us from the moment we wake up is essential.

Staying attuned to His mind throughout the day is what makes for an effective day.

The power of His with-ness isn’t Him walking beside us; it’s Him literally infused into us.

There is no one, not even a spouse, who can me more with us than Jesus.

He literally lives in us body, soul and spirit.

The ramifications of this are amazing.

I challenge you to talk with Him about it this week.

Robyn Henning