There’s a popular teaching that is creeping into churches that were once sound in doctrine. It’s the idea that all religions worship the same God. So, as long as your…
Are you a Prepper? You know, the folks who have stockpiled MRE’s and such, in case the power grid goes down? Now, I’m not here to mock these folks. In…
We are fast approaching the new year, so it’s time to pray about spiritual goals for 2016. First, take a moment to look back at your spiritual goals from 2015….
Do you like to wait? I don’t think I know anyone who would say ‘yes’ to that one. I don’t even like Express Lines at Walmart… seriously, there’s nothing express…
How does a parent typically respond to question, “When are we getting there?” “SOON” But, what does SOON really mean? Standing alone, SOON is the most meaningless word in our…
What’s one of the best parts of a wedding? Seeing the bride enter and walk toward her groom all arrayed in her beautiful white dress and veil. Imagine your shock…
Wouldn’t you have loved to hear Jesus preach the Sermon on the Mount in person? That would have been so cool! But, if you really think about it, I bet…
“In the beginning, God created….” If you make something, does that imply ownership? Absolutely! As our Creator, God designed us to function in the manner in which He intended for…
I don’t know about you, but I am a bit of a prophecy addict. That said, I am tuned into the news coming out of the Middle East. It breaks…
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to call 911 for help? Would you ever expect your rescuer to come in the form of a newborn baby?…