Have you read about the movement towards Trans-humanism? It’s what some folks consider the next evolutionary step for humanity. Think Iron Man. In essence, it’s the blending of technology with…
The Counseling Ministry Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!Here in the Northeast, it feels like Spring outside which puts most folks in…
Have you been following the Presidential nomination process? Personally, I gave up on hoping that politicians can get our country back on track when Obama was first elected. So, I…
Recently, I watched an interview with Chuck Missler of Koinonia House Ministries. and I marveled at how much he had aged in the last few months. I learned in the…
Which do you prefer: Law or Grace? I read through the Bible every year, and I recently read the account of the Exodus and God’s institution of the Mosaic Law….
On more than one occasion, Jesus linked love and obedience. But, how are they connected? When I think back to my youth, I can honestly say that my obedience to…
How do you react to a verse like, “Be holy, for God is holy”? Seriously, like that’s possible! Perhaps, the Lord gave us this standard to help us realize that…
Did you grow up singing, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”? I’ve been counseling and discipling folks for over 25 years, and trust me,…
Do you think there is more violence in this world than ever before? On YouTube, we can see ISIS behead their victims and black men get killed by cops. There…
Are you a Prepper? You know, the folks who have stockpiled MRE’s and such, in case the power grid goes down? Now, I’m not here to mock these folks. In…