The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: why did God prohibit eating from this tree? In order to know good from evil, one would have to know evil….
Have you ever wondered what life was like for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before they messed up? Imagine being so connected to God that you are…
How do we heal and break free from the wounds of rejection? Paul gives us the key in Romans 12:1, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Renewed how? …
What influence does rejection have on the development of flesh patterns? The pain of rejection is dreadful, so it has a huge impact on our flesh. Most people seek to…
What makes us feel rejected? Some statements are obvious: “I hate you!” “I don’t love you anymore.” “I want a divorce.” “I wish you were never born!” “I wish you…
Everyone of us has experienced it. We all dread it. We think up ways to avoid it. What is it? REJECTION Why does rejection hurt so deeply? God never designed…
How do you feel when you realize you’ve been duped? A range of emotions from hurt, anger, and shame are possible. Thoughts like, “How could I have been so stupid?”,…
Does knowing our enemy’s basic strategies, give us an advantage? Absolutely! Satan has some basic strategies that he has been using quite effectively ever since his encounter with Adam and…

If Christians are transformed from sinners to saints when they are ‘born again’, then why do Christians still sin? That is a reasonable and logical question to ask. In Romans…
We live in day when kids can grow up and not know the name of Jesus except as a curse word. It’s so sad. So, how many people really know…