Greg Boyle works with gang members in East Los Angeles.

He has put together a team of physicians trained in laser technology of tattoo removal.

The team is part of a program that takes the tattoos of ex-gang members and wipes the slate clean.

For many, it is as crucial a service as it is merciful.

To a former gang member, the gang tattoo fosters the attitude that the gang’s claim on that person’s life is permanent.

It is a mark of ownership as much as identity.

The process of tattoo removal is extremely painful.

Patients describe the laser procedure as feeling like hot grease on their skin.

Yet the waiting list grows of those who will put up with whatever pain it takes to be transformed and establish a new identity.

We received a new identity when we received Jesus as our Savior, and all the pain was His because of His death on the cross.

In Colossians 1:22, our new identity in Christ is described:

“in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach.”

The word present means “To place beside”.

We were placed beside God the Father with Christ; this is our spiritual position.

Ephesians 2:6 says:

“and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

The phrase before Him is made up of 3 words, “down”, “in” “to look”.

The idea is to look down in, right down in the eyes of God, speaking of His penetrating gaze.

This is telling us how God sees us. He sees us in Christ, placed beside Him, and we are in His penetrating gaze.

So, what does He see?

He sees us as a New Man.

So. what is the New Man like?

This verse tells us, we are “holy and blameless and beyond reproach.”

We are “holy” or set apart from sin and set apart unto God. We are “blameless”, this is a technical term used in reference to the sacrificial system, which means, “free from flaws or defects or stainless in character.”

God sees us as having no flaws in our character. We as a New Man are also, “beyond reproach.”

The idea is that no accusation can be charged or alleged against the person. As a new man, we are free from all accusations and charges.

None can be brought against us.

Satan, as the accuser of the brethren, tries to, but Christ is our advocate, our defense attorney.

Because of our new identity in Christ, God will not accept any charges.

We are accepted in Christ.

Isn’t this amazing?

This is us, fellow believers!

Believe it!

We can live it out in our experience.

As someone has said, we are not just a retread job, but we are a brand new creation in Christ.

This is the purpose, and result of our new identity in Christ!

The most important thing is not how we see ourselves or how others see us, but how God sees us!

He sees us as a New Man.

When we, as believers, begin to see ourselves as the New Man we already are in Christ, we will begin to live like the New Man we really are.

This is the only way to build positive Biblical view of our self.

We do not need self-esteem; we need Christ-Esteem!


Pastor Ken Keeler, Director of Church Ministries

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