Ministry News
Greetings and Merry Christmas in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope that you have had a great Thanksgiving and are ready to celebrate the birth of our Savior with family and friends!
We are in the process of rebranding the ministry because of my relocation to SC and handing off the Perkasie location to Redeeming Hearts Ministries. So, look for the new name of the ministry with a new logo to be unveiled in early 2025!
I need wisdom as I learned that my car needs major work to take the trip home to PA on December 20th. I am looking at both new and used Toyota RAV4s and financing options.. I need His leading!
My Pastor’s Group wrapped up and we are now forming our strategy to effectively roll Journey Tools out to their congregations with their own people trained to lead their groups! We are also meeting with an international ministry that is value aligned with us to see how we can equip their leaders who in turn will lead their people through the Journey Tools material. Also, the intense warfare has given us new insights on how to strike back at the enemy in ways that will motivate him to quit. We hope to get that on film very soon!
I am starting to gain more individual clients as well as have new facilitators to train. Remember that our secure online platform means location in not a limit. So, if you know someone who needs to break free from their flesh patterns and heal past hurts, have them reach out to me to see if our ministry is a good fit for them. Thank you!
Testimony Time
Right before Thanksgiving, a dear brother in the Lord was called home to glory. He was someone I had trained in the Exchanged Life Truths and in spiritual warfare tactics in the late 90s.
He and his family spent many years on the mission field and then returned to the States. He joined the staff of an international discipleship ministry as their Global Director just a few years ago.
At his funeral, his colleague stated that he had led over 3,900 people to the Lord and he was discipling 10,000 pastors around the world.
David ‘Mac’ McIntyre made a powerful impact for the Kingdom of God. I am proud to have known him as a brother and to have worked alongside him during his stints at FBC while his family was home on furlough.
The Lord used the numbers to get my attention. We never truly realize the exponential impact we can have by simply investing in someone and teaching them the powerful, healing truths of the Exchanged Life.
In the midst of my grief, the Lord encouraged me, “Look at the fruits of your investment, Robyn. And Mac is just one of many.”
Please keep Mac’s kids and grandkids in your prayers. While his kids are all adults, he was their rock, and this will be a really difficult time for them. They need our prayers.
Beloved, invest in people. They are worth it! Watch how God will multiply the fruits of your labors as you walk in step with Him!
Update from Pastor Ken
From Pastor Ken Keeler: It took two tries to complete Ken’s Whipple surgery and his recovery has been a bit challenging. He’s lost a lot of weight and gaining it back has been a real problem. All the polyps were negative for cancer!
He’s been back preaching on Sunday nights and teaching his Men’s Bible class. He feels almost back to normal.
Ken appreciates the positive feedback you are giving him on his blog entries. He really enjoys teaching the Exchanged Life truths!
ELM Finances
Thank you so much to all of you who made donations this quarter. Your generosity has been an encouragement to me. Remember that your donations make it possible for me to offer reduced rates to those in need.
Please be praying that the Lord brings in regular donors to make up for the loss of support from my former home church in PA.
Please pray that the Lord shows me the best way to connect with local churches here in Greenwood for support and client referrals.
Your tax deductible donation can be made to ELM and you can do so by check or by going to the Donation page of our website at www.elmphilly.com/donate.
Praise and Prayer
- For lives that are being healed through Journey Tools.
- For Pastor Ken being able to preach and teach again.
- For my clients’ growth in Christ and their emotional/spiritual healing.
- For great connections being made at local churches in Greenwood.
- For all the new Journey Tools groups that just wrapped up and the new ones under way.
- For how comfortable I feel living down here and knowing I am where God wants me.
- For the new group facilitators in training and their excitement to lead others in their Journey.
- For Ken’s recovery and needed weight gain.
- For growing relationships with local churches and their pastors.
- For new clients and speaking engagements.
- For wisdom in each counseling session and Journey Tools group.
- For a number of new Journey Tools groups to start in January.
- For a safe trip home to PA and wisdom in car decisions.
- For wisdom in how to effectively partner with like-minded churches and ministries in equipping people with the Journey Tools.