Have you ever had a hard time staying focused?

Does the term squirrely resonate with you?

Squirrels are actually fairly focused on their overall goal of storing up nuts.

They just go about it in a frenzied fashion.

They look like they are distracted by the littlest thing.

The author of Hebrews exhorts us to fix our eyes on Jesus.

This requires us to be intentional in what we are setting our minds on.

Remember: the mind set on the flesh is death; the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.

In other words, when we function with the mindset of ‘me,’ we will experience lack of life or death; when we function with the mindset of Jesus, we will experience His life in us flowing through us.

Sounds great in theory, doesn’t it?

Here’s some practical ways to implement this mindset.

When you get up in the morning, greet the Lord with a simple declaration,

“Good morning, Lord!  This is the day You have made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Thank You for doing everything through me today.” 

In addition, try to have a time in the Word even if it’s a quick devotional read.

If you get a lunch break, set part of that time aside to read a short Psalm and sing in your heart a worship song to Him.

You can also use that time to interact with Him on any concerns that have cropped up that morning.

In the evening, again interact with Him through His Word, a devotional and worship as you review the day and hand over your concerns to Him.

Throughout the day, be declaring aloud or in your heart,

“Lord, thank You for doing this through me.”

Beloved, this takes practice.

We need to purpose in our hearts to stay focused on the One who is the Author and Finisher of our faith.

The enemy will offer up many distractions.

Our flesh is prone to chase these distractions.

When we are focused on Jesus, no storm can stir us.

Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.

This is the place of ultimate authority and power.

Beloved, we are in Him.

He is the Source of our rest.

No matter what is going on around us, our being safe in Jesus never changes.

Purpose to focus on Him and His great love for us.


Robyn Henning

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  • Jim Freed says:

    Excellent and timely word! In my devotional time this morning -“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Perhaps we all need to relax our grip and allow God to do with us what He desires. I have been near death numerous times in the not so distant past and I know how fragile life is. Thank God that He has sent His Son as our blessed hope. Blessings to you Robin and your ministry, Jim