Forgiveness Series Part Two: The ‘Why’ of Forgiveness

Why should we forgive those who hurt us?

I don’t ever recall ‘feeling’ like forgiving someone for hurting me. Ever.

How about you?  Do you know what forgiveness ‘feels’ like?

If we wait until we feel like forgiving, we probably never will.

The primary reason (and the only one that we really need) is that God commands us to forgive as He has already forgiven us.

There are  no sins, iniquities or transgressions that fall into the ‘unforgivable’ category, except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Forgiving those who hurt us is not tantamount to saying that what they did was okay or no ‘big deal.’

No, what they did was wrong, and it hurt; but we are still commanded to forgive as we have been forgiven by God.

In this week’s Exchanged Life Nugget of Truth video, we take a look at the illustration of forgiveness that Jesus shares in Matthew 18 and the spiritual consequences of unforgiveness.

I hope it encourages you and that you will share it with your friends.


