June 2024 RHM Newsletter

By June 19, 2024Newsletter

Ministry Update

Greetings in the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus our Christ. Our progress in launching the first three initiatives has been slow but steady. We are currently in the beginning stages of our conversation with the local jail about being a resource for clothing to the inmates who are returning to their communities. We are also waiting to hear back from the jail about being a resource to inmate women who are in the work release program. Our desire is to provide work clothing to inmates and returning citizens who need work attire. Please be in prayer that the conversations would be fruitful and that we would get the needed donations in. We want to acknowledge all of our current donors and prayer warriors, without you we could not continue in the work set before us. We are truly grateful and we thank you!

We are also in the beginning stages of conversations with the family services/mentoring committee at the Bucks County Coalition about joining the committee to see how we may be of service there. It is our desire that this would also be a leverage point to start gaining referrals for returning citizens that need one on one discipleship/mentorship. Please be in prayer that the Lord’s will be done in this respect and that we would be an effective light in this secular space.

We are humbly excited to announce that we have surpassed the first year of our rebranding campaign from ELM to Redeeming Hearts Ministries. God has been so faithful! And we are choosing to trust His sovereignty as we continue to move forward. Finally, we are prayerfully
hopeful for a great turnout at the upcoming Sweatshirt of Hope event in September. We are grateful for the invite to set up a table there and get the Redeeming Hearts name out into the community. Please join us in prayer about new connections and interest. Blessings– Crystal

Robyn Henning Update from SC

Greetings y’all! No worries, I haven’t gone completely Southern. God is doing so many amazing things it’s hard to just hit the highlights. First, Journey Tools is back in Zambia thanks to Karen Myers and Dr. Cyndi Lilya. They are gathering the local regional Pastors to take them into a deeper teaching time of how to use the Tools to heal addictions and grief and to trust and value God and others. Also, Dr. Cyndi is teaming up with Pastor Eugene Nsamba to train Ugandan Pastors in his Discipleship Network. We are so exciting to be impacting African churches. More African nations will be teaming up with us soon!

Locally, the Lord is building our network of Pastors who are excited to go through Journey Tools for their own healing so that they can be more effective in ministry. We are developing viable strategies for making the program available to their congregations to maximize its impact on our local SC church community. Donny and I were blessed to attend two local conferences where we made solid connections with ministry leaders who are excited about what our program offers.

My Redeeming Hearts clients continue to thrive in their walk with the Lord and understanding of who they are in Christ. Most of them have also been through Journey Tools which pairs perfectly with all I’ve been teaching these past 30 years. I am thrilled to see how the Lord is bringing healing and consistency to their walk with Him.

Please pray for our coworker Wendy. She is battling breast cancer and is in the early stages of her post-surgical treatments. This has left a hole in our staff. Also, please pray that we can start at least two Journey Tools groups a month. Blessings!

Donate or Volunteer

Donate: Any donation received is greatly appreciated! We take our stewardship of your gift seriously. You can donate annually, quarterly or monthly. You can also donate supplies such as: paper, labels, ink, stamps & envelopes. Checks are made payable to ELM with RHM or Robyn in memo line. To donate online go to https://elmphilly.com/donate

Volunteer: Send email to [email protected] or call 484-447-1258


Helping to keep returning citizen warm & dress for success. Helping to build
confidence and worth-ship.
Accepting donations of new and gently used coats (no hoods)
Accepting gift cards to stores: Walmart, Ross, Kohls, etc.

Bridging the gap between needs and resources for returning citizens. Helping to
set them up for a successful re-entry & transition.
Accepting inquiries about providing transportation to returning citizens.

Providing basic needs and helping to bridge the gap between financial hardship
and personal care to returning citizen and those at a high risk for an encounter
with law enforcement and the legal system.
Accepting donations: Toiletries, New underwear, New socks, New Testament
pocket bibles and Gift Cards to food stores.


Most returning citizens lack the basic necessities required for a successful reintegration to the community. Individuals are arrested in the summer months and released in the fall/winter months. This means that many are released in shorts and improper attire for the colder seasons. This creates a gap between need and vital resources. These individuals face significant challenges reintegrating into society, such as finding employment, housing, and health care. Without adequate support, many of these individuals re-offend and return to prison, leading to an increase in recidivism rates.

Reentry programs have a track record of slashing recidivism rates (those who re-offend) and nurturing successful reintegration.
And yet, they’re woefully underfunded.

Research for this article found on the following sites: thrivingcommunities.org and success.com

Keeping Jesus in center focus- We desire to bridge the gap between need and resource for this population, thus making a positive impact on the recidivism rate. Our goal is to see lives transformed to the glory of God!

For our Praise and Prayer Click Here!

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”