Do you realize how much uncertainty we all face each day?

If we focus on that, we will be overcome by fear and anxiety because we would be confronted with just how little control we truly have.

The illusion of control over people and events tricks us into believing we are safe by our on doing.

Here’s reality:

the only one we have control over is ourselves. 

That’s it!

And we stink at that so much that it’s the last one on the fruits of the Spirit list.

We need Jesus’ self-control to flow through us to really be self-controlled.

So, as a reformed control freak, let me assure you that anxiety and manipulation do not have to rule your life.

Freedom comes when we embrace the truth that the One who is in control is our Papa, God, and He loves us.

He is for us, not against us.

Now, that doesn’t mean that He will never allow hard and painful things into our lives.

No, Jesus warned us that in this world we will have tribulations or hard times.

But, He told us to cheer up because He has overcome or won the victory over this world.

He has taken back this world from Satan and his minions.

So, what does this mean for our everyday lives?

It means that we stay focused on Papa’s love for us and on Jesus’ life flowing in us and through us each day to get us through whatever He allows to come at us that day.

One day at a time.

Jesus warned us not to worry about tomorrow because each day has enough trouble of its own.

I am not saying, “Don’t have a plan or vision for the future.”

Rather, I am encouraging us to take one moment of each day at a time with the awareness of the life and strength of Jesus directing and enabling each step.

Our ultimate future is secure in Jesus.

Nothing can take us out of Him, and nothing can stop His plan from unfolding.

So, beloved, rest in Him, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, and set your focus on Jesus living in you and through you today.


Robyn Henning