Here in Pennsylvania, we refer to the season after winter not as Spring, but as Pothole season.

They are everywhere, and if you hit a deep one, it will likely knock you car out of alignment.

And, when that happens, you are not going to experience a smooth ride.

Well, Satan wants to knock our thinking out of alignment using his ‘potholes’ called lies, fear, temptation.

Beloved, we have been co-mingled with Jesus and we have His mind in us.

So, we need to be in the Word, believe the Word, and stand on the Word.

Who is the Word? Jesus.

He is the living embodiment of all that Papa has declared that He is.

When we know who Jesus is, our thoughts are established in His truth.

Nevertheless, Satan uses the power of sin to speak in our thoughts words that create doubt, fear and anxiety.

Such thoughts are out of alignment with Jesus’ thoughts.

This is the nature of our daily battle to take our thoughts captive and bring them into alignment with Truth.

Fear, anxiety, doubt and their companions are all indicators that we are walking through our day out of alignment with Jesus.

How do we fix this?  Stop, drop and pray.

Stop what you’re doing and grab a hold of your train of thought.

Get on your knees, if you can.

Ask (pray) Jesus to establish your thoughts with His thoughts….what does He think about your situation?

The Holy Spirit will always guide you back to Truth using His Word and principles from His Word.

Even if all He says is, “I’ve got this,” then take Him at His Word and thank Him for it.

Then, as often as necessary, remind yourself of what He said…”okay, Lord, thank You that You have this.”

Beloved, you can also use Satan’s strategies against him.

When he comes at you with fear, catch the thought and ask Jesus what lie is connected to the fear, and then ask Jesus to speak truth to the lie.

Truth will pulverize the lie, and it will be removed from Satan’s arsenal to use against you.

So, beloved, like Paul exhorts us:

Instead of being anxious, we need to talk with Jesus and give thanks to Him for His Truth and then His peace will guard our hearts and minds as we realign out thinking with His mind in us, and we will walk on in the freedom and victory that is ours in Christ Jesus.


Robyn Henning