What is the one thing that makes Satan and him minions tremble?

It’s not worship; it’s not the preaching of the Word;

it’s warfare prayer.

This is a specific form of prayer that utilizes our authority in Christ Jesus to bind the enemy and set free the one who is under attack.

I liken typical intercessory prayer to ICBMs carrying a standard warhead.

Warfare prayers are ICBMs carrying nuclear warheads; they obliterate the enemy’s work.

Recently, one of my clients texted me to ask me for prayer because she was under heavy assault from the enemy.

I launched a nuclear warfare prayer on her behalf, and she texted me shortly thereafter saying, “I don’t know what you prayed for me, but thank you!”

It’s been my experience that unless you come from a Pentecostal church background, most believers have never been taught how to pray a nuclear warfare prayer.

In fact, most evangelical Christians think they are impervious to Satan’s attacks just because the Holy Spirit lives in them.

The truth is that Satan cannot do whatever he wants to us, but he can and will attack us, especially if we give him the permission to by giving ground to him.

What do I mean by giving ground?

The concept is given to us by Paul in Ephesians 4:26 where he warns us to

“not let the sun go down on our anger and give the devil an opportunity.”

The Greek word for opportunity is topos which means foothold, place or ground.

When we sin or dabble in darkness, we are giving Satan the legal right to claim a foothold in our life.

From this foothold, he launches more attacks using temptation, accusation and deception to gain even more territory.

While he cannot kill us, he can steal our joy, hope and love for the Lord, and he can even convince us to take our own lives if we don’t wake up to his strategies and pray to break free.

Beloved, we are at war.

Think of prayers as our ammunition.

Think of warfare prayers as nuclear warheads.

In my opinion, the church in America is weak simply because of its prayerlessness.

It is great at programs and Bible studies, but it is anemic when it comes to prayer.

Next time, I’ll share with you some of the basics of warfare praying.

Until then, ask the Lord to show you where you’ve given ground to the enemy.


Robyn Henning, President

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  • Go Robyn! So agreed. Too many have no idea how to pray effective warfare. Far too many ‘think’ the enemy has power in and of himself. Even more refuse to accept that they have been given the ‘control’ – power and authority – to overcome. Feel free to pray for me any time – you know some of what I am warring against.