Spiritual Warfare Series Pt. 3: Accusation

Have you ever blown it by giving into temptation and then been assaulted with accusing thoughts?

It’s all part of Satan’s strategies to keep us in bondage to sin.

In Revelation 12, Satan is called the “Accuser of the Brethren”.

In that heavenly scene, he is cast down from heaven and overcome by believers through of the Blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony of faith in Jesus.

We get in trouble when we listen to Satan’s accusations instead of pointing Satan to the cross.

All of our sins, past, present and future, were paid for in full on the cross.

When we placed our faith in the Blood of Jesus to pay for our sins, we were crucified with Jesus, buried with Him and raised to newness of life in Him.

Jesus acted as our High Priest by taking upon Himself our sins, and in EXCHANGE, He gave us His righteousness.

Being righteous IN CHRIST, is a constant state for us!

Why? Because of the shed Blood of Jesus!

It is finished!

When Satan starts to nag us with our sins, we need to catch those thoughts, stop and thank the Lord Jesus for His shed blood, and point Satan to the cross.

We need to nag Satan with, “My sins have been paid for in full through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Now, lest anyone think I am making excuses for continuing in sin, I will reiterate Paul’s response to, “What then, shall we sin all the more that grace may abound all the more?”

Oy! May it never be!

How can we who have died to sin and its lying lusts, ever go back to looking for life from the lusts of the flesh?

When we realize that lust is a liar, we can more easily catch the lie, “This will make me feel better,” and combat it with the truth, “my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.”

Satan launches accusations at us to shame us and to make us think that God hates us and is always disappointed with us.

When Satan does this, we need to stop, drop and praise.

Daily, praise Jesus for shedding His blood to pay our sin debt, so that we could receive His righteousness.

The more we set our minds on worshiping Him for His shed blood, the less opportunity Satan will have to come at us with accusations.

Seeing ourselves IN CHRIST, empowers us to flee temptation and to fend off accusations.

Beloved, choose to see yourself as God sees you: CLOTHED IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST!

When you do, Satan’s accusing arrows will fall harmlessly to the ground.


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  • Margaret DeLancey says:

    Always a great message! Blessings and prayers, Robyn!

    I am seeing a nephrologist tomorrow and also a heart surgeon on Thursday to schedule a new pace maker.

    Thanks for praying for me.

    Margaret DeLancey

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