Targeted Intercession

I wanted to share a powerful prayer tool that the Lord recently showed me.

I was interceding for a friend of mine that I knew was under attack but I didn’t have enough specifics to really target my intercession.

And, honestly the mind of Christ in me just rolled through these questions:

  • “Lord what’s Sally feeling right now?” boom immediate answer;
  • “Lord, why’s Sally feeling this way?” boom immediate answer;
  • “Lord what else do You want me to know?”  boom immediate answer.

So, I took what the Lord gave me and immediately interceded for  my friend before God’s throne.

This was targeted, precision prayer…like a laser targeted bomb dropped on the enemy’s stronghold in their life.

The next day we talked.

I didn’t say anything about my prayer.

They started sharing what the Lord had done and they named each point that I had prayed without me ever mentioning it to them.

In fact, they still don’t know that I prayed like that for them.

Beloved, when a loved one is getting beat up by the enemy, use the compasses as an intercessory tool as the Spirit leads….cycle through each compass if they apply and ask the Spirit to show you on their behalf how to laser target your intercession for them.

We will be praying in accordance with God’s will and when we do so, we can confidently know that we will have what we’ve asked for.

One word of caution:  the Spirit will not gossip or provide you this information if you are not pure in your motives.

This is also not a word of knowledge…the Lord told me this about you….this is for intercession only.  He will not honor impure motives.

Pray for one another especially as we see the Day of the Lord draw near!



Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Kathleen Cerruti says:

    Wonderful, encouraging testimony, Robyn! Thank you! ?

  • Ruth Walker says:

    Thank you Robin! I feel like I have been under attack with my health the past four months! This is a helpful reminder.