What is God’s ultimate goal for us?
Paul answers that question in Romans 8:29 by stating that believers are:
“predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
God’s predetermined goal for us is be like our big brother, Jesus.
Good heavens! How do we measure that?
Beloved, it’s all about attitude.
Because Jesus rested in His Father’s love, He always walked in submission to the Father’s will, even when His humanity cried out for there to be another way as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
It is because He trusted His Father’s love that He went to the cross to bear the penalty for the sin of mankind.
He knew that the Father would not leave Him in the grave.
He knew that despite the pain and suffering He was facing, His Father’s love would not let Him go, and in fact, would lead to the redemption of those who would believe in Him.
Beloved, this is the heartbeat of true disciples of Jesus; resting in Abba’s love and submitting to His will knowing that it is always what’s best for us.
The more we cultivate an intimate, love relationship with Abba, the more in tune we will be with the still, small voice of the Spirit as He communicates with us in our spirit.
When we tune into Him, He will make Abba’s will clear to us from the small to the big decisions that we face.
Invite Him to show you what is good for you in your entertainment (books, movies, TV, music) choices and you will find that He leads you to what edifies you instead of to what enslaves you.
It’s the same for food choices, time management choices and financial choices.
When you engage the Holy Spirit believing that Abba loves you, you will allow Him to show you what’s good for you instead of getting mislead by your flesh which will be used by the enemy to lead you into bondage.
So, beloved, be conformed to Jesus: rest in Abba’s love, submit to the leading of the Spirit, do all that He shows you in His strength for His glory.
Robyn Henning, President