I’ve been sharing with you some of my personal journey as I process my transition to Greenwood, SC.

Right after my last blog, I got into a funk of what I thought was grief, but as my colleague pointed out, it was more fear than grief.

I found myself grumbling and complaining to the Lord about relocating to a foreign land and culture.

There were many negative thoughts filling up my head space.

Donny asked me what I was afraid of, and I told him that it was grief not fear and that the whole idea was crazy to me…totally crazy.

I could not make any sense out of the move.

That’s pride.

This past Sunday, I went to early service.

Pastor Chris who knows nothing about horses, used a horse illustration that resonated with me, and it would be used by the Lord later that day.

I was tired of being cranky, so I went to the Lord and He answered my question before I could even ask it.

“You don’t trust Me.”

What?  Okay, that means I am believing a lie against Him.

“Lord, what lie am I believing against Your character?”

“You believe that I am going to forsake you.”

Really?  “Lord, where is that coming from?”

He took me to a childhood memory that was terrifying as a child, but has become a source of much laughter when it is retold in my family.  (watch the video to hear it).

I walked through the memory and forgave my parents’ for their choice that impacted me.

I also renounced projecting on to God that capacity to choose like my parents did.

He did not leave me then; He will not leave me now.

God also pointed out to me that He is the One who gave me my support system here, and He will develop one for me down under.

He also took me back to the sermon horse illustration and said, “Robyn, I am your loving Master.  I am taking you to a new pasture that is greener, wider and full of some new amazing companions.  It is going to be beautiful.  We are walking you through a woods and that is spooky, but I am with you and there is no need to fear. You are going to love this!”

I could not argue with that.

I hope this testimony helps someone break free from the grips of fear and unbelief.

They are always linked.

Choose to take God at His Word and give no ground to a spirit of fear and unbelief.

We are safe in Christ Jesus.

Robyn Henning

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  • Trish Allard says:

    spot on Robyn. I have had that experience just a bit ago. I hope I’ve put in my heart what you shared.
    Mmmmm new best friends, beautiful land and people…