Do you, or have you ever wrestled with God’s sovereignty? Do you ever struggle with obedience when given an assignment from the Lord? Throughout life there will be circumstances or…
Do you, or have you ever wrestled with God’s sovereignty? Do you ever struggle with obedience when given an assignment from the Lord? Throughout life there will be circumstances or…
What comes to your mind when you think of battle readiness? Is it the physical realm or the spiritual realm that you consider? In our home fellowship, we are in…
What are the issues of life that tend to create insecurities or that leave you feeling like you are weak? In a world of turmoil, where wrong is considered right…
What would be your response if you walked by a stone, and you heard it cry out “Praise Ye the Lord”? Sounds preposterous, doesn’t it? Like something out of a…
Did you know that there are species of birds that will delay their own migration if a member of the flock is unable to continue the journey? In an act…
Have you ever planted cucumber seeds but expected watermelon to grow? I know it sounds nonsensical but in truth, that’s what it’s like when we sow to the flesh and…
Have you heard of the Preacher Charles Spurgeon? He gave a very compelling sermon titled Contentment, and I encourage you to go to You Tube and listen to the entire…
Have you heard the phrase “microwave generation”? It refers to wanting instant gratification with minimal to no effort. We want it now, we want it cheap, and we want it…