A Baptist church tried to get a man to attend, but he never did. “Why don’t you come?” the pastor asked. The man finally admitted it was because he didn’t…

There is the old story of a church that caught on fire, and everyone was rushing to the church to help put the fire out, even the town atheist. The…

She and her friends had prayed and fasted for three days, and the moment had come for her to risk her life to save her people from certain death. Her…

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest…

Compared to humans, dogs have remarkably poor visual acuity; what we see clearly from 80 feet away, a dog sees clearly only when it is 20 feet away. So why,…

Mention the name Charles Lindbergh, and many will remember that he completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic. In addition to his prominent exploits in flight, however, he also…

Rosie was a thirteen-year-old amateur tennis player. In amateur circuit matches fewer line judges were available to make calls, so the players called their own balls “in” or “out.” She…

A recent study by the University of Michigan revealed that spending extended time on Facebook made people worried, lonely, and unhappy. It also increased feelings of discontent as users…

Our eyes have more than two million working parts, and approximately half the brain is engaged in the act of seeing. They are the second most complex organ after the…