I was reading the account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and was really convicted by the young donkey. Yes, a donkey convicted me! I grew up with horses, so…

A manager was asked by his laziest employee for a recommendation for another job. The manager thought hard all night for something that would be honest without hurting the young…

Why is it so detrimental to our souls’ health to hook into people to meet our needs? Very simply, because people are not the source of life, only God is….

Mention the name Charles Lindbergh, and many will remember that he completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic. In addition to his prominent exploits in flight, however, he also…

Ministry News Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope that you have had a great Summer with family and friends! You…

The television show, “Antiques Roadshow” has guests wait in long lines holding assorted items: statues, paintings, china, and even old military weapons. Antique experts scrutinize the condition and value of…

I want to encourage you this week to DO Nothing….. WITHOUT JESUS. He is not only with (alongside) you, He is, more importantly, WITHIN you (enmeshed to the molecular level)….

Did you know that the microbes on just one of your hands outnumber all of the people on the earth? Or, that millions of microbes can fit into the eye…

There is the old story of a church that caught on fire, and everyone was rushing to the church to help put the fire out, even the town atheist. The…