Which do you prefer: Law or Grace? I read through the Bible every year, and I recently read the account of the Exodus and God’s institution of the Mosaic Law….
On more than one occasion, Jesus linked love and obedience. But, how are they connected? When I think back to my youth, I canĀ honestly say that my obedience to…
Is there a day in your life that you can point to and say, “Wow, that was the best day of my life!” I can certainly remember some very special…
How do you react to a verse like, “Be holy, for God is holy”? Seriously, like that’s possible! Perhaps, the Lord gave us this standard to help us realize that…
Did you grow up singing, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”? I’ve been counseling and discipling folks for over 25 years, and trust me,…
Have you ever struggled with worrying about how you were going to make ends meet and put food on the table? In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us…
Have you ever heard anyone say, “You just have to be true to yourself?” What on earth does that mean? Frankly, most of the time it’s an excuse to indulge…
Have you ever experienced a time in your life when nothing made sense? Where you found yourself asking, “God, what on earth are You doing?” I know I have! Perhaps,…
Have you ever been cranky at God? I mean, so cranky that you might even think He’s mean and unfair? Has it gotten so bad that you might just doubt…
What are some things that scare you? Snakes, bears, spiders, cancer, ISIS, economic collapse? How would you like to be free from all fear? There is a way for every…