The television show, “Antiques Roadshow” has guests wait in long lines holding assorted items: statues, paintings, china, and even old military weapons. Antique experts scrutinize the condition and value of…

I want to encourage you this week to DO Nothing….. WITHOUT JESUS. He is not only with (alongside) you, He is, more importantly, WITHIN you (enmeshed to the molecular level)….

Did you know that the microbes on just one of your hands outnumber all of the people on the earth? Or, that millions of microbes can fit into the eye…

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) As our Creator, God designed us…

Did you know that 25 percent of the bones in your body are located in your feet? Your little finger contributes more than 50 percent of your hand’s strength. Like…

I recently met someone who was really struggling with forgiveness. It was clear that their wounds were real and had accumulated over many years. They were in a painful marriage…

It’s Memorial Day 2024, and I hope you are able to gather with family and friends and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us to have freedom…

What are the issues of life that tend to create insecurities or that leave you feeling like you are weak? In a world of turmoil, where wrong is considered right…

Have you ever had anyone tell you, “That’s all in your head?” In other words, you’re imagining things. Well, the enemy loves to play head games with us. He will…