How would you define peace? Until not long ago, I would have said, “it’s the absence of conflict.” In a recent sermon, the definition of the Hebrew word for peace,…
Here are the most common resolutions for 2024 according to Forbes Health: improvement of mental health (45%), improved fitness (39%), losing weight (37%), improve diet (33%). Other popular resolutions include…
In December 1903 after many attempts, the Wright Brothers were successful in getting their “flying machine” off the ground. Thrilled, they telegraphed this message to their sister Katherine: “We have…
God is good; He is absolutely good! Then, why did He allow evil and suffering in this world? Why did He make Lucifer knowing that he would do what he…
What are you afraid of? Fear can be both good and bad. The enemy wants to lock us up with fear and for the believer those fears need to be…
We don’t get to choose what family we are born into and we don’t get to choose what kind of flesh patterns they pass onto to us. We learn how…
Have you ever read in John 14:15 “if you love me, you will obey me,” and come away feeling even more ashamed? In church, we have been looking at what…
Each one of us has fleshly temptations that the enemy taunts us with. So, how do we walk in victory over these temptations of the flesh. In Ephesians 4, Paul…