What is God’s ultimate goal for us? Paul answers that question in Romans 8:29 by stating that believers are: “predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ that He…
What is God’s ultimate goal for us? Paul answers that question in Romans 8:29 by stating that believers are: “predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ that He…
Let me ask you this: Why should believers study Bible prophecy? I think there are a number of very good reasons. First, it’s one of the coolest ways that the…
My wife, Linda, and I recently got together with friends, and the husband told us about a guy he works with whose wife ran up a $100,000.00 credit card debit…
A man in China was delighted to get two puppies from a local farmer. Several months later, however, the puppies were exhibiting unusual behavior. They killed and ate his pet…
Have you ever read a portion of Scripture that you are very familiar with only to have something new jump off the page at you? That happened to me this…
Have you ever sought the godly counsel of another believer only to receive a Bible verse, a pat on the head, and the challenge to just do it? I call…
Last week, I shared with you about the uniqueness of the start of the Feast of Trumpets. No other Feast was linked to the start of the New Moon. And,…
Do you feel good enough for God? How good does a person have to be to get into heaven? How good is God? He is ALL good, in other words,…
What’s your favorite holiday? We are coming up on our culture’s second most favorite holiday: Halloween. Now, I grew up doing the whole trick or treat…give me candy… thing, and…
When you recognize the difference between a godly goal and a godly desire, you’re going experience greater emotional stability. Here’s a video devotional that explains how this works. I hope…