Have you ever heard the saying, “You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your relatives?” There’s truth in that of course, but it’s usually said when someone is…
Have you ever heard the saying, “You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your relatives?” There’s truth in that of course, but it’s usually said when someone is…
Silver spoons have represented status and safety for centuries. In the Korean Joseon Dynasty, silver spoons were used to detect poisons, since silver tarnishes on contact with arsenic sulfides. In…
Several years ago Pepper Rodgers was in the middle of a terrible season as football coach at UCLA. It even got so bad that it upset his home life….
Which do you prefer: encouraging words or discouraging words; kind words or harsh words? I think that most of us truly prefer encouraging and kind words. In Ephesians, Paul…
Cali is a specially trained service dog that works at a school for special-needs children in New Jersey. As the children enter the school each morning, she sniffs them for…
The television show, “Antiques Roadshow” has guests wait in long lines holding assorted items: statues, paintings, china, and even old military weapons. Antique experts scrutinize the condition and value of…
A woman, who had been bitten by a rabid dog, was told she was going to die from rabies. The doctor told her to put her final affairs in order….
A young woman was nervous about meeting her boyfriend’s parents for the first time; she wanted to look her absolute best. As she glanced at herself in the mirror, she…
How would you like to be friends with Jesus? Does it sound weird or sacrilegious? Well, it didn’t to Jesus. In John 15:13-16, Jesus speaks not only to His disciples,…