Have you been watching the Olympics from Rio? I have, and I was excited to hear the testimony of two US athletes who won the silver medal for men’s synchronized…
Last week, we started to look at our new identity in Christ. Remember that mental health comes from seeing ourselves as God sees us. This week our focus is on…
Who are you? Seriously, not the song, but how do you perceive yourself? The world defines people primarily by their actions. A person attending an AA meeting has to introduce…
Through the years, I’ve meet folks who have made some bad choices and then struggled with believing that God would forgive them. I think this comes from a misunderstanding of…
Do you feel good enough for God? How good does a person have to be to get into heaven? How good is God? He is ALL good, in other words,…
Does Satan constantly remind you of all your mistakes? Does he introduce thoughts like, “How could God possibly love me? I have messed up too much for God to love…
Do you struggle with fear? It is a powerful emotion, and one that Satan utilizes in his efforts to paralyze us. In contrast, when we are with someone that we…
Why is it so detrimental to our souls’ health to look to people to meet our emotional needs? Very simply, because people are not the Source of Life, only God…
Have you read about the movement towards Trans-humanism? It’s what some folks consider the next evolutionary step for humanity. Think Iron Man. In essence, it’s the blending of technology with…
Recently, I watched an interview with Chuck Missler of Koinonia House Ministries. and I marveled at how much he had aged in the last few months. I learned in the…