Over the last year or so, the Lord has been teaching me about the legal systems in heaven. As a result, legal terms jump off the page at me, while…
Over the last year or so, the Lord has been teaching me about the legal systems in heaven. As a result, legal terms jump off the page at me, while…
How are your anxiety levels? How about fear? Are you struggling with that? Are you frustrated at all in your relationships? All of these emotions are indicators of a scarcity…
I was recently reading the account of Israel’s time in the wilderness and they were in need of water for a second time. The first time Moses was told to…
The Great Wall of Gorgan is one of the most impressive structures ever built. Constructed 1,500 years ago to protect the Persian Empire from enemy raiding parties, it stretches for…
I recently heard a sermon on Nehemiah 13 which is an account of Nehemiah cleaning house upon his return from the Persian capital, Susa. Before he left, he had everything…
If I had to pick one word to summarize the Exchanged Life, I think it would be transformation. You see, because we were born again by faith into Jesus’ family,…
We are at war! We all live in a war zone; the battle rages within us every day. Our flesh is at war with the Spirit. The lusts of the…
When playing with tools in his father’s workshop at age 3, Louis Braille was struck in the eye by a piece of metal. The injury blinded him, and a subsequent…
Tell a child he can have no cookies because they are for company and somehow his desire and hunger for cookies increases. Some things are more appealing to people when…