Have you had your faith tested in 2020? Most of us would say, “Yes” to that question. I was thinking through the struggle we all face each day as the…
When it comes to the types of resolutions people make, Americans not surprisingly focus on self-oriented changes. Among those planning to make resolutions, the top pledges relate to: weight, diet…
Ministry News Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your loved ones in spite of the Covid. …
How are your anxiety levels? How about fear? Are you struggling with that? Are you frustrated at all in your relationships? All of these emotions are indicators of a scarcity…
It’s been an interesting week, hasn’t it? Anyone struggling with anxiety over the future of our country? I just wanted to take a moment and help us refocus on truth….
I asked the Lord what He wanted me to blog about, and His response was “when tragedy strikes.” Well, that’s encouraging…what a lovely idea. So here we go….. I can…